
Welcome to my blog, where one may find all sorts of random, hopefully amusing tidbits about food & other things.

January 31, 2014

review: Federal Donuts (in Philadelphia).

Remember when I mentioned I had gone on a road trip earlier in the year - late December into January? Well, one of the places we went to was Philly. Once there, we decided we needed to visit Federal Donuts.

Bring up just the word "donuts" in Philly, and people will direct you here. It's pretty famous, in general. They have a few locations. The one we visited was very small (as most of the best places are). They are known for offering fried chicken, donuts, and coffee. Odd combination, but I guess 2/3 are fried, so same equipment.

January 22, 2014

orange clove bars.

I feel like it's the little things that make the biggest differences in life. A little argument could blow up into the biggest deal, or reveal deeper issues. Or in a more positive light, getting lunch during Restaurant Week at Buddakan in Philly with someone I haven't talked to in forever, but was easily able to hold a conversation with, could turn out to be a very relaxing day trip.

January 6, 2014

orange cardamom meltaways.

It's interesting, how close my birthday coincides with the New Year. Two reasons to start afresh and finally implement those lifestyle changes.

Sleeping this late wasn't the plan .. I'm in bed with the glare of my laptop screen burning into my retinas, prolonging my descent into sleep even further. I took a Neuroendocrinology class where someone presented on the topic of how artificial light (from laptops, cell phones) is effective at preventing sleep, contributing to long-term problems, especially for my generation.

So much of our lives are affected by electronics. On the recent roadtrip I was in the passenger seat, and had so many electronics to handle - my phone, the driver's phone for Google Maps, Spotify, Snapchat, and my iPod for music. Oh, and my DSLR nestled carefully in my lap, being high maintenance as usual.

January 4, 2014

chocolate chip cookies III.

I just wrote a blogpost for a community service trip I'm going on soon, and doing so encouraged me to write a post here, too. Well, in addition to the fact that it's past 1 am .. I stayed up too late and am not sleepy now.

These delicious cookies were consumed partially by my brother within five minutes of their transfer from baking sheet to cooling rack his plate. The rest, I brought with me on a road trip with friends. I've been wanting to road trip for so long and it finally happened!

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