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November 12, 2011

tell me about: Moose Munch Chocolate Bar - s'mores!

I got this bar when I went to Jersey Gardens and stopped inside a Harry & David store for the first time. I wanted to get everything, including the Cherry Butter (like pumpkin butter, except cherries!) and Wasabi Peas I saw. Very dangerous place for me.

I don't know how I would classify this bar, but it was mostly fudge chocolate, with caramel covered popcorn, marshmallows, and graham crackers, following the smores flavor it was advertised as. The fudge chocolate part was indulgently delicious, and it was nice that it was fudge, as opposed to just chocolate. The fudginess complemented the lightness of the popcorn. I don't think it was as smores-like as it could have been, as I was never really aware of when I was eating marshmallows, but overall, it was soo good. Extremely rich, but amazingly good.

If you ever run into it, I would recommend it - I'm sure the other flavors are delicious, too.

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